Sexuality is a subject of much debate and controversy, not least because of the various taboos that surround it. Yet it’s essential to break these taboos in order to achieve a fulfilling and unrestricted sex life. So here’s a list of 10 taboos about sexuality that are often overlooked, yet very much present in our society.

1. Sexual relations are compulsory for couples

It’snot true that sexual intercourse is an obligation in a loving relationship. In fact, every couple has its own rhythms and desires, and can very well be fulfilled without frequent intercourse. The most important thing is to find a balance between the desires of each partner and to respect his or her choices.

2. Oral sex is degrading

This taboo is particularly widespread and persistent in certain cultures. Yet oral sex can be very pleasurable and beneficial for both partners when practiced with respect and consent. Remember that there isno hierarchy of sexual practices, and that everyone is free to choose those that suit them best.

3. Women have less sexual desire than men

Unfortunately, this cliché is still very much alive in our society. However, it has been shown that sexual desire varies from one individual to another, regardless of gender. Women can therefore have just as much sexual desire and appetite as men, and this is not a taboo they should hide from.

4. Sex outside marriage is immoral

Some religious and cultural beliefs continue to promote this outdated idea. It’s important to understand that everyone is free to choose their sexual practices and partners, without being judged on the basis of their marital status. Respect and mutual consent are the key values of a healthy sexual relationship, whether before, during or after marriage.

5. Homosexuality is an aberration

Although attitudes are gradually changing, this taboo still persists in some parts of the world. Yet homosexuality is just as natural and legitimate a sexual orientation as heterosexuality. Everyone is free to love whoever they want, without being discriminated against or stigmatized because of their sexual orientation.

6. The frequency of sexual relations must be high to be happy

Again, this taboo can put unnecessary pressure on couples. The frequency of sexual relations varies from one person to another and depends on many factors, such as age, stress levels, physical or mental health and so on. There is no universal standard for sexual frequency, and it’s important to respect your partner’s needs and limits.

7. Sex is always synonymous with pleasure

This taboo can lead some people to believe that they are abnormal if they don’t systematically experience pleasure during intercourse. However, it’s perfectly normal for some experiences to be less satisfying than others, and this can depend on various factors (fatigue, stress, lack of complicity with the partner…). The important thing is to communicate with your partner and work together to find ways of improving the quality of sexual relations.

8. Masturbation is shameful

Masturbation is often considered a taboo subject, especially for women. Yet masturbation is perfectly natural and can even have beneficial effects on mental and physical health. In particular, masturbation allows you to learn more about your body and your desires, which can contribute to a more fulfilling sex life.

9. Older people have no sexual desire

This taboo is based on the false belief that sexual desire disappears with age. In reality, sexuality evolves throughout life and can take different forms at different times. Many older people continue to enjoy an active and fulfilling sex life, despite the physiological changes that can occur with age.

10. Sexual disorders are rare and shameful

Finally, it’s important to remember that sexual disorders (such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or difficulty reaching orgasm) are more common than we think, and affect many individuals. Don’t hesitate to talk about them with a healthcare professional or specialized therapist, to find appropriate solutions and get back to a fulfilling sex life.

By breaking these taboos and adopting an open and respectful approach to sexuality, we can all contribute to a more tolerant and caring society towards our sexual desires and practices.

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