Thinness is a state characterized by a build considered normal or average, defined by the World Health Organization as the attribute of individuals with a body mass index of between 18.5 and 25 kilograms per square meter[2]. It can refer to different categories of people or situations, but is often closely linked to social norms, health and diet. For example, in the category of working women, thinness can be seen as a key factor in maintaining their personal and professional image. It is often perceived as an asset and a criterion for recognition, especially among women from higher social classes. These women pay more attention to their diet and fitness, which is often reflected in their slim figure[3]. Slimness is also an essential category in the field of health and well-being. Slimming diet programs are designed to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. This can include recommendations on exercise, diet, and the use of specific techniques such as tracking the glycemic index of foods or introducing fat-burning foods into the diet[1]. Slimness is not just about appearance or social acceptance, but also about health. A healthy body weight can help prevent a range of serious medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. However, it’s important to note that thinness can be achieved in different ways, and it’s essential to find a balance that promotes both physical health and mental well-being.