Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can change the lives of millions of men suffering from low testosterone levels. But does this treatment pose any risks to your future fertility? Unlike anabolic steroids, TRT is approved by doctors for cases where men suffer from low testosterone, and the much lower dosage means fewer side effects because the drug is regulated. In some cases, you can benefit from TRT via the NHS, but to avoid long waiting lists, you can also have medication tested and prescribed by licensed private specialists such as Alphagenix.

Signs that you may be suffering from low testosterone levels

Here are some symptoms that may indicate low testosterone levels:

Long-term consequences if testosterone levels are left untreated

If the acute symptoms of low testosterone are devastating enough, they can have an even greater long-term impact if left untreated. Untreated testosterone levels can lead to a number of health problems, including an increased risk of osteoporosis, heart attacks and even breast cancer. There are also conditions such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, where individuals are born with an extra X chromosome, which can affect testosterone levels.

Risks associated with testosterone replacement therapy

For men suffering from low testosterone levels, TRT can be an effective and beneficial health solution. When we add synthetic testosterone to our body, it can slow down its natural testosterone production in order to balance the situation. Men with already low testosterone levels often have problems with sperm production. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting TRT.

How can you keep your sperm healthy during TRT?

1. Sperm health monitoring: Before undergoing TRT, it’s advisable to have your sperm tested. Even if you’re not planning to have children in the near future, it’s essential to know your sperm count and motility before starting TRT. You can then monitor your sperm health every few months during your TRT, and if you notice any changes in their health, discuss them with your healthcare professional to adjust doses, freeze your sperm or consider other treatment options. 2. Consider freezing your sperm: If you’re concerned about your future fertility, one option may be to freeze your sperm before starting TRT as a safety net in case you experience a decrease in motile sperm count over time. Unlike cancer patients, sperm freezing for men on TRT is not readily available via the NHS, but there are several private options for cryopreservation if you wish to pursue this route. In summary, while there may be risks to fertility during testosterone replacement therapy, appropriate monitoring and discussion with healthcare professionals can help mitigate these risks and take appropriate steps to preserve fertility if necessary.

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