Dehydrated skin and dry skin are often seen as similar problems. However, understanding their differences is essential to choosing the right treatment and caring for your skin properly. In this article, we explore the specifics of these two skin types so that you can adopt the appropriate gestures.

What is dehydrated skin?

Dehydrated skin is essentially lacking inwater. It can affect any skin type, whether oily, combination or dry. Dehydrated skin is characterized by :

Skin dehydration can be caused by various external factors, such as exposure to the sun, pollution, the use of overly aggressive cosmetics or the cold. Lifestyle habits also play a role, such as insufficient water consumption, unbalanced diet, smoking and stress.

How can dehydrated skin be treated and prevented?


To restore skin hydration, it is recommended to :

What is dry skin?

Dry skin is characterized by a lack of lipids, or fats. Unlike dehydrated skin, it is generally a skin type in its own right, not a temporary condition. The main characteristics of dry skin are :

The causes of dry skin can be genetic, hormonal or due to environmental factors such as cold, wind and temperature variations.

How can dry skin be treated and prevented?

To care for dryskin, it’s important to :

Dehydrated and dry skin: Diagnosing and adapting your skin care routine

To identify whether your skin is dehydrated, dry or both, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist, who will be able to make a precise diagnosis. However, you can start to observe your skin on a daily basis and adjust your skincare routine according to the needs it expresses.

Finally, it’s essential to listen to your skin and regularly readjust your skincare routine according to any changes or specific needs linked to the seasons and external aggressions.

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