Sensitive skin is a fairly common problem, and knowing whether you have this type of skin is essential to adapting your skincare routine. However, it can be difficult to know whether your skin is really sensitive or simply being attacked by environmental factors or the products you use. In this article, we’ll show you 5 tips for recognizing sensitive skin.

1. Observe your skin’s reactions

Peau sensible

The first indicator ofsensitive skin is its tendency to react frequently. These reactions can take the form of redness, itching, tightness or even burning after the use of certain cosmetic products or exposure to external elements (cold, wind, sun, etc.). If you often experience these problems, it’s highly likely that you have sensitive skin.


Redness is generally caused by superficial vasodilation of blood vessels, which become more visible. Tightening pores can help reduce redness, but the best solution is to find out what’s causing the problem and adapt your skincare routine accordingly.

Itching and irritation

Constant discomfort and itching can be a sign of sensitive skin. Your epidermis is irritated and reacts to the slightest aggression, whether mechanical (friction) or chemical (unsuitable or allergenic cosmetics).

2. Test specific products for sensitive skin

There are many products specially formulated for sensitive skin, with gentle, soothing ingredients to prevent skin reactions. If you notice a marked improvement in the appearance and comfort of your skin after using these products, it may indicate that you have sensitive skin.

3. Examine your beauty routine

Certain habits and products in your daily beauty routine can aggravate or cause sensitive skin. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Cleansing: opt for a gentle, effective cleanser rather than an overly aggressive product that may strip your skin barrier and accentuate sensitivity problems.
  2. Exfoliants: opt for an enzymatic or very fine-grain exfoliator, to be used once a week, rather than overly abrasive or acid-based exfoliants.
  3. Daily care: make sure you use a moisturizing cream adapted to your skin type, which will reinforce the cutaneous barrier and provide comfort throughout the day.

4. Investigate irritating ingredients

Certain ingredients can be particularly irritating for sensitive skin. By learning about these substances and investigating their presence in your cosmetics, you can identify the culprits likely to cause skin reactions. The main irritating ingredients are

5. Pay attention to environmental conditions

The environment plays an important role in skin behavior. Here are a few factors to watch out for if you suspect you have sensitive skin:


Variations in temperature, humidity and extreme weather conditions (cold, wind, heat) can attack the skin and make it more sensitive. So be sure to adapt your skin care and protection to the weather.

Tap water

Water quality can influence the condition of your skin. Water that is too hard can irritate and dry out the epidermis. If you notice this problem, it may be beneficial to use a thermal spring water or cleansing milk to limit contact with tap water.

Stress and sleep

A stressful lifestyle and lack of sleep can have a negative impact on the health of your skin, making it more sensitive and reactive. Taking care of your skin also requires a healthy lifestyle: try to get enough sleep and keep your stress levels under control.

Finally, if you have identified your skin type as sensitive, don’t hesitate to consult a dermatologist, who can give you personalized advice on how to care for your skin in an effective and appropriate way.

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