vaginal thrush is a common problem among women, caused by an abnormal proliferation of fungi in the vagina. Although this infection is common, it can be painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the risk of developing vaginal mycosis. Here are 10 tips to help you avoid the ordeal.

1. Adopt proper intimate hygiene

1. Adoptez une toilette intime appropriée

Good hygiene is essential to prevent the onset of vaginal mycosis. But don’t overdo it. Avoid internal showers and aggressive products, which can upset the vagina’s natural balance. Instead, use a mild, pH-neutral soap for external cleansing.

Use wipes sparingly

Intimate wipes can be practical, but regular use is not recommended. They can unbalance vaginal flora and encourage the appearance of mycosis.

2. Wear suitable undergarments

The choice of undergarments is crucial in preventing vaginal mycosis. Opt for cotton undergarments, which allow the skin to breathe better and limit moisture. Avoid synthetic materials, which encourage perspiration and the proliferation of fungi.

Change your underwear regularly

To limit the risk of infection, we recommend changing your undergarments every day, or even twice a day in case of excessive heat or perspiration.

3. Choose comfortable fashion

Clothes that are too tight can encourage the development of vaginal mycoses by maintaining a moist, warm environment conducive to the proliferation of fungi. Choose loose, comfortable clothing that allows your skin to breathe properly.

4. Watch your diet

An unbalanced diet rich in sugars can encourage the development of vaginal mycosis. Adopt a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

Take probiotics

probiotics are beneficial bacteria for our organism, particularly for the balance of vaginal flora. They are mainly found in yoghurts and other fermented dairy products, but also in food supplements.

5. Avoid damp places

The fungi responsible for vaginal mycosis thrive particularly well in warm, damp environments. Avoid spending too much time in places like swimming pools, saunas or steam rooms, and make sure you dry your intimate area properly after every bath or shower.

6. Take care of your contraception

Certain contraceptive methods, such as the pill, can influence hormonal balance and encourage the appearance of vaginal mycosis in some women. Talk to your doctor, who can advise you on the best contraceptive method for your needs and situation.

7. Avoid the use of intimate perfumes and deodorants

Although they may seem refreshing, perfumes and deodorants for the intimate area can upset the balance of vaginal flora and encourage the development of mycoses. To avoid these inconveniences, opt for gentle, natural hygiene.

8. Sleep without underwear

Sleeping without underwear allows your skin to breathe and limits the proliferation of fungi responsible for vaginal mycosis. If you prefer to sleep in pyjama bottoms, opt for a loose-fitting cotton one.

9. Manage your stress

Stress can weaken our immune system and make us more vulnerable to infections, including vaginal yeast infections. Practice relaxation, meditation or yoga to reduce your stress levels and strengthen your natural defenses.

10. Consult a doctor in the event of symptoms

If you experience symptoms suggestive of vaginal mycosis (itching, burning, white discharge), don’t hesitate to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Appropriate treatment will eliminate the infection and restore intimate comfort.

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