In a society where sex is omnipresent, whether in advertising, films or conversation, the idea of living without it seems almost impossible. Yet some people choose abstinence and claim to be perfectly fulfilled. So, is it really possible to live without sex? And if so, how? Let’s look at this question from different angles.

Chosen abstinence

Some people voluntarily avoid sexual relations for a variety of reasons:

It’s important to note that these reasons vary according to individuals and their personal history. So there is no universal answer to this question.

The benefits of abstinence

There are several benefits to not having sex:

Sudden abstinence

But sometimes sexlessness isn’t a choice. Individuals may find themselves single or without a sexual partner through no fault of their own. This lack of sex can take its toll on their morale and well-being.

The consequences of sex withdrawal

When abstinence is involuntary, it can have a number of consequences:

However, even if abstinence is not a choice, it is possible to find solutions to overcome these negative consequences and live a balanced life without sex.

How to make up for lack of sex?

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, there are several ways to satisfy your desires and enjoy a fulfilling sexuality without necessarily having sex:

Accepting and accepting your choice

To live serenely without sex, it’s essential to accept and accept your decision. Everyone is free to define their own sexuality, and there is no single model to follow. The important thing is to feel good in body and mind, and to respect the choices of others.

Ultimately, the answer to the question “Can we really live without sex?” depends on the individual and their personal experiences. While some people find fulfillment in abstinence, others may experience real discomfort as a result. In any case, it’s essential to find alternatives to meet your needs and not let yourself be overwhelmed by frustration or sadness.

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