When it comes to contraception, there are various options available to both men and women. Among these, the male condom remains one of the most reliable means of protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and avoiding unwanted pregnancies. In this article, we look at the benefits of the male condom, how to use it correctly and some tips on choosing the right model.

The benefits of the male condom

The male condom is a latex or polyurethane sheath that covers the penis during intercourse. It forms a physical barrier that prevents the transmission of STIs and the passage of sperm, thus reducing the risk of pregnancy. Here are just a few of the advantages of this contraceptive method:

How do I use a male condom correctly?

To get the best possible protection, it’s essential to use a male condom correctly. Here are a few steps to follow for optimal use:

  1. Check the expiry date: Before using a condom, make sure it hasn’t expired. The expiry date can usually be found on the condom’s individual packaging. Do not use a condom whose expiry date has passed, as this may affect its integrity and reliability.
  2. Carefully open the package: When opening the condom package, take care not to tear the sheath with your fingernails or teeth. Instead, use your fingers to gently separate the wrapper and pull out the intact condom.
  3. Placing the condom on the penis: Place the condom on the tip of the erect penis. Make sure the roll is on the outside and unroll it all the way to the base of the penis. If you’re using a lubricant, apply it only to the unrolled condom to prevent it from slipping off the penis during intercourse.
  4. Removing and disposing of the condom after use: After ejaculation, hold the condom by its base and gently pull it off the penis, taking care not to spill any semen. Then dispose of the used condom in a garbage can – don’t flush it down the toilet, as this can cause blockages and pollute the environment.

Tips for choosing the right male condom

Now that you know how to use a condom correctly, here are a few tips to help you choose the model that’s right for you:

The final word

In summary, the male condom is a safe and reliable means of contraception when used correctly. It offers protection not only against unwanted pregnancy, but also against sexually transmitted infections. By choosing the right model and following good usage practices, you can enjoy all the benefits of this risk-free contraceptive. So don’t hesitate any longer, and make the male condom your ally for protected, fulfilling sex!

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